
Your true nature ~yours particularly~ is already and always whole, intact and alive. It is happening right now: breathing your breath, beating your heart, seeing through your eyes.

I believe that Nature is alive and well inside of us. That the essential Nature of all being and the literal Nature of your human animal body and psyche know exactly what they are doing. They know how to heal you, how to grow and evolve you, how to fix your back pain, rebuild your relationships, grow your bank account, and bring you home to yourself and to all of Life.

All of my work is directed toward this truth and discovery. Kaiut Yoga classes, Heart-Centered Meditation groups, Soul-Centered Living courses, Private Sessions, all are designed to open the way back to your inherent wisdom and radiant wellbeing.

  • Heart-Centered Meditation: A Practice of Holy Engagement

    Heart-Centered Meditation is a simple and natural way of orienting to and cultivating a connection with your Spiritual center: your Heart. The Heart harmonizes and blends the spiritual aspects of the self with the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the self. Your Heart is the seat of your true nature, it is a wellspring of health and authenticity.

  • Yoga for Life: Kaiut Yoga with Megan

    Kaiut Yoga attends to the needs and ailments of the modern human: down- regulating and balancing our overworked nervous systems, holistically addressing the repercussions of too much sitting and the impacts of repetitive use. Maintaining and even recovering the mobility in injured or aging joints. Yoga for every body that restores the natural ability to balance, heal and evolve.

  • Personal Development: Healing Sessions & Soul-Centered Courses

    Dive in. The map is you; the path is known by walking it. Sessions and courses support you to reconnect with an intrinsic knowing of yourself, a sense of your inherent wellbeing and true belonging. Discover yourself and how to live in simple harmony with yourself and all of Life.